Garden Sculpture as a Gift

Garden Sculpture as a Gift


Are you looking for a beautiful and unusual gift for your loved one this Christmas ? Why not give them a luxury handmade Marble Exterior Sculpture for the garden or any outdoor space however small? Simon Burns-Cox is a professional Sculptor and Letter Carver based in Edinburgh, Scotland, and creates beautiful exterior Marble Sculptures which are ideal for any garden or urban space.

The sculptures are made in a wide range of contemporary designs and come in all dimensions. They are handcrafted and highly polished by hand with the aid of modern machinery and technologies. These sculptures are made to order with a four to six week delivery timescale but Simon does have a few sculptures available in his studio if you are in a hurry. Bespoke commissions are also available where the client is able to create their own design. Simon Burns-Cox’s work is sold throughout the UK and overseas and can be delivered by courier at an additional cost.

If you would like to discuss you requirements or need further information, please contact Simon Burns-Cox at The Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, 21 Hawthornvale, EDINBURGH, EH6 4JT, Scotland, UK. Email: [email protected] or Mobile 07799474489. Simon Burns-Cox is an Associate Member of The Letter Exchange and a Licentiate Member of The Society of Designer Craftsmen, London.

These garden sculptures were featured in the March and April 2018 issues of the stylish magazine ‘ The World of Interiors’ and ‘The Great Outdoors’

Purchaser’s Comment: Mr. D.C from Aberdeenshire, Scotland

“Just a quick note to say a big thank you. ‘Highland ‘is even better in real life and I’m really happy. My partner has yet to see it and will wait until Friday. And thank you both for driving all the way to deliver it. I really appreciated the personal touch.”


Sculpture is often used as a focal point in a garden but it can be equally used to lead you to other parts of the hidden garden along paths or areas tucked under trees or walls. A garden sculpture or relief is like a piece of art in a gallery with the surroundings acting as a backdrop to the work. You need to consider the size, shape, colour and texture of the work. Stone and Marble are particularly good for sculpture in a garden: the materials are durable and blend in well with nature. Before placing the sculpture in a garden, you also need to think about the light, space and the surrounding landscape. Water and lighting also interact well with sculpture creating an illusion and a more complex and enchanting environment. Some of the most popular types of outdoor sculpture reflect nature, abstract forms and human heads or figures.

AITG 2018 Catalogue PDF

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