
Interior and Exterior Garden Sculptures

I create bespoke contemporary hand carved interior and exterior sculptures in stone and marble for all types of home, garden, and urban space. Creating sculpture allows me to express myself and explore new possibilities when working in stone or marble.

Interior Sculpture

I make a range of sculptures for the home or interior spaces. I love working in marble because of its texture and the potential of its many veins and colours. Although many of my pieces are abstractions, they have their origins in natural forms. They are domestic in scale and personality, designed not to shock but to please. I want people to handle them, to look closely, and to be reminded of hidden things in the world around them.
For the Sculptor, it is the challenge of creating something out of an inanimate object that excites. There is a constant need to express oneself and use the stream of ideas to create. Marble is a tactile medium which can reveal secrets during the carving process. It is tender, beautiful and has a lovely relationship with light.

I have a range of sculptures for sale and accept bespoke commissions. It is a collaborative process which starts with an initial consultation with the client. I will discuss with you the ideas for the design, the choice of materials to be used, the size of the sculpture and its overall finish, the timescale and the costs involved. You will be kept fully informed throughout the whole process.