When it comes to choosing a Headstone, there are a few things you will need to consider at this difficult time. Do not try to rush into making a decision immediately. It is better to wait for at least six months to a year or more before you decide on how to commemorate the loved one.
Discuss with your family and friends on what would be an appropriate epitaph for the deceased. Think about how you would like the person to be remembered and what would be the most appropriate wording.WHAT YOU NEED TO CONSIDER
You should think about what inscription you would like, as this will dictate the size, shape and style of the Headstone. Some people choose poems, short text or just a few words. The style of the lettering will also need to be considered as this will take up space. Will it be san serif, a modern script or Italics which are more relaxed ?
You will also need to decide whether you want the Headstone to be of a modern or traditional design either with a complex relief or just a simple stone? Often the more simple Headstone can be the more moving.
You may want to have a relief or carving included on the Headstone. There are many symbols which have been used on Headstones over the centuries representing love, peace or eternal life.
An angel symbolizes the messenger between God and man while a bird or dove represents peace and love. A heart symbolizes life, love and immortality while the poppy represents death, eternal sleep and peace. In Scotland, The Celtic Cross or Thistle is very popular.
It is important to decide on what type of stone should be used for the Headstone. Do you want it light or dark in colour ? It will also need to be resistant to the climate as it will be in the churchyard for a long time.
Like all things in life, you will also need to think about the rules and regulations. All churchyards have different requirements so it is important to find out.
If you would like to discuss your requirements, please contact Simon Burns-Cox who is a Sculptor and Letter Carver based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Simon makes Bespoke Gravestones, Memorials and Headstone in all sizes and dimensions and will be happy to guide you through the decisions at this difficult time. Simon can be contacted through his website at