Currently Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop is open but increasingly scaling back activity in line with any current government guidance.
Following the information within the Government’s Press Briefing on the evening of 16/03/2020 which stated that we should all avoid non-essential contact, our courses and schools visits will no longer be going ahead. We will contact all the participants directly.
Update and guide for ESW Members and other users on site.
As you are aware, there has been a rise in the number of cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK and changes are happening quickly. ESW has been following government and NHS advice, as well as receiving and sharing information with our sector. Please see the base of this email for links.
We know that this will affect each of us in different ways and are actively thinking about you in our planning and decisions.
In order to consider your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others, please think about the current guidelines before coming to ESW:
If you are working at ESW please follow the hygiene guidance and help us in additional cleaning. Please also maintain the social distancing techniques advised, staying 2m away from each other where possible.
Please remember that it might not be obvious who is more vulnerable to the virus and maintaining the highest standard of hygiene, social distancing and self-isolation is the best way to look out for each other.
You can reduce your risk of getting and spreading the infection by:
Advice and Guidance on the outbreak
– NHS Inform https://www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus
– Scottish Government advice https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
– UK Government’s Coronavirus Action Plan https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-action-plan/coronavirus-action-plan-a-guide-to-what-you-can-expect-across-the-uk
Useful link to advice for arts workers
Hygiene Measures
We have ESW specific hygiene measures displayed in each office and workspace.
Contact Information:
Laura Simpson
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
T: +44 (0)131 551 4490