Finding the right words for a headstone. This often seems like an impossible task when you have just lost the person you love. How do you capture the character and soul of the person you knew in a few words ? I have a client at the moment who has recently lost her youngest son at the age of 21. The parents are finding it very difficult to find the right words to sum up the life of this inspiring young man.
I often suggest to the client that they need to take time. Usually six months to a year. In the depths of grief its very difficult to think clearly. However with the passage of time you will find you will be able to reflect on the deceased life and eventually find the right epitaph. Less is often more. Keeping it simple with a few words is more powerful. Simple sentences like ‘So loved’ will sum up the family’s feelings. Often people will also include a small relief such as a flower, bird or celtic cross.
I have just made a headstone for a client who has recently lost his wife. When he came to see me to discuss his requirements, he knew exactly what he wanted and had even designed the stone himself which was a broken heart. He knew that he didn’t want too many words as the stone said it all.
An epitaph usually includes the person’s name, dates of birth and death and a meaningful quotation, poem, song or Bible verse. It should be timeless and dignified and summarise the deceased’s life in a few words. Here are some commonly used phrases:[ultimate_ctation]Rest in Peace
In Loving Memory of
Forever in Our thoughts
Tresured Memories of
Cherished Memories of
Precious Memories of
With Love, We Remember
Loving Memories of
Remembered Always
In God’s Keeping
Sadly missed
Forever in Our Hearts
Always in Our Thoughts
With Love Always and Forever
Dearly Loved, Sadly missed
Till We Meet Again[/ultimate_ctation]